Are there any stores that sell ant farms near me? Are there any places on the web where I can find ant farms for sale?
If those are some of the questions that are wandering around your mind right now, you’re in the right place! In this guide we will talk about ant farms, and what are the best places to find ant farms for sale!
When it comes to buying an ant farm, the best and more obvious place where you can find tons of alternatives is, as you can imagine, the web! Nowadays there are hundreds of different online shops specialized in selling ant keeping products, and among them, ant farms!
Some stores even sell live queen ants! Yeah, queen ants for sale! If you like the idea of buying a queen ant or a small colony online, you will definitely like this article! In this one, I make a list of some of the best online shops where you can find queen ants for sale!
But which stores are the best for buying ant farms online? For helping you answer this simple question, I made a list of the most popular ant keeping shops all around the world!
Let’s start with the first one!
WaKooshi – U.K.


Let’s start with one of the coolest companies on the list. Based in the U.K., WaKooshi has recently become one of the most popular nest makers in the ant keeping market, and one of the best places to find ant farms for sale!
Their products are very different from the other ones you can find in this space. Their Venus, Mercury, and the most recent Saturn nests are some of the coolest-looking nests I’ve ever seen.
Very popular for their test tube-based ant nests, they also offer some gypsum and cork-based nests. More recently, they have started to produce species-specific nests, like their leafcutter pod and weaver outworld.
Antstore – Germany

Another shop that cannot miss on this list. With their top-notch glass nests and outworlds, Antstore is one of the best ant keeping suppliers when it comes to build quality and materials.
Their super clear glass outworlds and nests scream high quality from every angle, considered by many ant keepers to be the best option for housing our beloved ants!
On their website, you can find an almost infinite amount of products and accessories. Their products can drive you through all the various stages of a life of an ant keeper, starting from the basic beginner-friendly test tube, all the way to professional-level setups!
If you like really high-quality products and don’t mind spending a little bit more on an ant nest, I would suggest you check out this amazing all-in-one product made by this company! This nest perfectly combines a standard sandwich nest with an amazing-looking glass outworld!
AntMaze – Spain

This small nest maker from Spain makes some of the cutest setups you can find in the ant keeping market. Their little nests are very aesthetically pleasing, swiftly merging the outworld section with the actual nest.
Their revolutionary test tube setup-like founding nest is an extremely cool and clever product. This little nest makes it a lot easier for the ant keeper to raise a healthy and prosperous ant colony, starting just from a single newly mated queen!
Tar Heel Ants – U.S.

If you live in the U.S. and you like the idea of keeping ants as pets, this is definitely the option for you. Tar Heel Ants is undoubtedly one of the most popular online shops dedicated to ant keeping you can find in the U.S.
They sell some of the most iconic ant nests you can find on the ant keeping market. Their cave-like nests are one of the most beautiful things you can find when it comes to artificial formicariums!
With their best-selling products, like the Mini Hearth and the Fortress, they occupy a big spot in the U.S. ant keeping community. Definitely one of the best places to find ant farms for sale in the U.S.!
Aus Ants – Australia

One of the biggest players in this space. Born back in 2012 as a YouTube channel, Ausants’ ant nests are extremely popular among ant keepers all over the world. Their Ytong nests are one of the best-selling ant keeping products of all time!
Very easily recognizable by their characteristic green color, their nests are a must-have for every beginner or advanced ant keeper. Apart from their popular Ytong line, they also offer some acrylic nests and some very cool outworlds.
High Tech Ants – U.K.

Another cool ant keeping company based in the U.K. As its name suggests, this company is mainly focused on providing some of the most technologically-advanced nests on the market.
Most of their nests are equipped with an electronic device, made specifically for monitoring the temperature and the humidity inside the chambers of the nest! With this level of technology and precision, you can be sure that your colonies will thrive!
On their website you can also find lots of different accessories, such as escape-prevention liquids, different types of tweezers, and test tubes of various sizes.
ANT SHACK – Switzerland

Based in Switzerland, they are one of the first ant keeping shops to make ant nests using 3D printing technology. Their products are very easily recognizable, even if you aren’t an owner of any of their nests!
Their offer a wide range of ant keeping products. Vertical nests, sandwich nests, tower nests, horizontal nests… Well, you got the idea! Every type of nest basically!
One peculiar thing about their products is that their nests are named after some of the most beautiful and visited places around the world. I think this is a really clever idea, as it makes it extremely easy to remember their names!
Esthetic Ants – Netherlands


Born as a Youtube channel, Esthetic Ants has become one of the best places to find ant farms for sale. Very popular for its line of 3D printed acrylic ant nests, they offer all you need to start your own ant colony, starting from just a single queen.
If you are just starting out and have just joined this awesome hobby, on their website you can also buy ant colonies! They offer a wide range of ant species, from beginner species like Lasius niger, to more dangerous and hard-to-keep ones, like the beautiful and venomous bull ants.
If you like Ytong nests, this company is definitely for you! They have an amazing line of nests made using this versatile white material! If you are interested, in this article you can find my detailed review of their Ytong nest. Spoiler alert… they are actually really good!
On this list you can find some of the best ant nest makers in the world. With their combined multi-decade experience in this market, you can be sure that their product will not disappoint you!

If you’re now convinced and wanna buy your first ant nest to start your very first ant colony, I would suggest you check out this product review! This is an extremely good ant nest made by one of the most popular companies in this space: WaKooshi!
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