Anthouse Jelly Cups Review

Hi guys! I hope you’re doing well!

Today I’m going to make a little review of these really cool jelly cups, made by the company Anthouse! You can find them here!

Let’s see if they’re any good!

What is a Jelly Cup?

These particular types of jelly cups are one of the best sources of nutrients for the ants, and are used by ant keepers all over the world.

The soft jelly substance inside the cups contains all the nutrients the ants need to survive, all packed together in the same food! The gel includes some proteins, a dose of sugars, carbohydrates, and even some water!

Anthouse jelly cup

These cups are an extremely easy and effective way to feed your ants. You just have to remove the protective film, take out a small dose of jelly with the help of a little spoon, and place it in the feeding dish you usually use to feed your ants.

That’s it! The job is done! You don’t have to order a box filled with insects, or wander around in the backyard in search of a fresh meal for your ants! They are extremely convenient!

Anthouse jelly cup

If you like these kinds ant food products, you will definitely like this other one too! With these fantastic colorful little bottles, you can give your ants a very high-quality source of sugar, fueling their all-day-long working routine!

How Long Do They Last?

This type of product is very useful if you are planning to go on a vacation and you have to leave the ants alone for some time. This food can last several weeks even in hot climates, without the risk of creating mold outbreaks.

Anthouse jelly cups

These cups are easily storable in the refrigerator. If kept closed and in a refrigerator, the jelly cups can last for several months, and in some cases up to a full year!

If you have a small colony and you don’t need to use all the substance in the cup, you can put the remaining part in the refrigerator, inside a sealed container. By doing so, the gel will last for several weeks.

If you aren’t planning to use the cups anytime soon, you also have the option of freezing them. By doing so, the jelly will last indefinitely!

The Anthouse Jelly Cups

Now let’s talk about this product in particular, the one sold by the Anthouse online shop.

In the shop, you can order the jelly in 6 different flavors: strawberry, banana, honey, milk, calcium, and sugar. The cup contains 16g of jelly food, enough to last for several weeks with a medium-sized colony.

Anthouse jelly cups

These cups in particular contain a very high percentage of protein, perfect for boosting and speeding up the development of the brood. You can alternate between a meal of insects and these jelly cups, giving the ants an alternative source of protein.

Formica species eating jelly cups

I would not suggest you exclusively use this type of product. For the ants it’s important to have a varied and balanced diet, which includes as many different food types as possible.

Nevertheless, they can without a doubt take a good spot in the diet of your colonies!

If you are a beginner ant keeper and don’t quite know what are the best foods for your beloved ants, I would strongly suggest you check out this guide! In this one, I list the 5 most common mistakes that beginner ant keepers make when they first start keeping ants as pets!


BRUMA Ants Rating
  • Product quality
  • Nutr. values
  • Durability
  • Packaging


Very good protein jelly cups, a perfect source of nutrients for your beloved pet ants! The jelly cups last for a very long time, even if you don’t store them in a refrigerator or in a freezer! Your ants will love them!

I hope you have found this short guide helpful!

Anthouse nest naturcolor 5x5 width red lid

If you’re interested in the company and wanna check out some other products, you will definitely like this review of an Anthouse ant nest! This one is perfect if you’re just starting out or if you have a small colony!

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